Week One Down, Forty to go

We hope everyone had a great first week back and were able to fall back into that morning routine easily. Just wanted to quickly update you on a few things.

If you’re child is interested in Passpport Club please look through your friday folder, the flier went home this week for sign ups and information, there is also a link to the sign up under Edy Clubs on our new website,


Speaking of the website you can also find a link to do your background check and create a user profile there. Please remember that you can not volunteer in the classroom, field trips, or anything else until that is complete. You need to do a new one each year, it takes 3 minutes and is free.

Fun Run is coming up fast! If you’re at all interested in helping please join us at the Fun Run meeting this Tuesday, September 10th at 6:30 in the community room. Fun Run is THE FUNDRAISER that gives back to the classrooms, students, teachers, and school. The more hands on deck, the easier and smoother it goes.

Lastly we have positions open with the PAC this year. You can always co-chair, its easy to walk into something new if you drag a semi willing friend along.

We need a co chair for Hospitality. This is such a fun role! Really lets you get creative and spoil the teachers

We need shadows for FUN RUN, in a perfect world you would shadow the ladies that do it this year then next year technically be in charge but theyll be in the background helping you along the way. Way better alternative than jumping in when they have left the school and arent available to help at all.

Sherwood For Kids Sake chair. This is a feel good deal. You make a sign up sheet for all the items kids in Sherwood are asking for and need and wait for our awesome Edy families to fulfill those needs.

In the Spring well need help with Wolf Club Track Pack and building some new games for Carnival, but we’ll cross that bridge as it comes. Please email me with any question you may have at Edyridgewolfpac@gmail.com


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