Good Morning Wolves,

You should have seen your child's fun run envelope come home with their Friday Folder yesterday.  These are due back no later than October 10th. We have a lot of fun and exciting incentives for the kids this year that I'm sure you heard all about last night. As per usual Fun Run is an awesome event that can't be done without some parent volunteers.  Please check out our sign up sheet below. I will say that for obvious reasons the hardest spot to fill is always Wolfie. If you're feeling the urge to really show up and help that would an impactful spot, as its the kids favorite thing to high five him as they run by,

At back to school night I mentioned a few programs that are going to get cut if we don’t have anyone to help and the first one is Chess Club.  The wonderful person who has run it for the past few years is moving soon but here right now to help the new person get it started. This is so much easier than walking in fresh and having no idea where to begin.  If your child has been on chess team in previous years or wants to get started this year can you help out? Or even get another parent to share the responsibility with you? Chess club generally starts the first week of October and if we dont get someone within the next week or so I'm sad to say that Edy will lose one of our school clubs. Email me with any questions and I can connect you with the woman who has run the program in previous years. She really doesn’t want to see it go and is more than happy to help out for the first little while.

Background checks, have you done yours? Field trips are coming up fast and you don’t want to miss out because you haven't filled out something that seriously only takes 3 minutes.  Please remember that you have to do a new one EVERY year. It does not carry over.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

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