-The NEON DANCE is March 14th! If you didn’t get your neon Ridges shirt, they can be ordered HERE. Pre-orders are open through February 9th at 9pm.

-STAFF APPRECIATION WEEK is February 24th through the 28th. Get ready to recognize and spoil our teachers for all their hard work and dedication to our kids. More information coming home soon.

-DINE OUT FOR RIDGES is at McMenamins on February 24th, 5-10pm. Please mention Ridges when you pay and 50% of the sales will go directly back to Ridges!


Victoria is our Hospitality chair and she is the one that orchestrates and organizes the many ways we make sure our teachers feel supported and appreciated. She makes sure the teachers have dinner at conferences, are spoiled during staff appreciation week, feel the love of the teacher luncheon at the end of the school year and so much more. This is Victoria’s third year with PAC; 2nd as Hospitality Chair. She has 2 daughters (Kinder and 2nd grade) and enjoys reading, cooking, road trips and everything sunshine.


  • 2/4: 6:30pm - PAC Meet and Greet with Treats, 7pm- PAC meeting.

  • 2/5: 7am - Chess Club; 1:15 - 1:45 Student Store @ Edy Courtyard

  • 2/7: POPCORN FRIDAY; 7:30 - 7:50am - Student Store @ Edy Cafeteria;

    11am - Fair planning meeting @ PAC portable.

  • 2/10: ART LIT begins (through 2/28) on artist Winslow Homer

  • 2/12: 7am - Chess Club

  • 2/14: Valentine’s Day (wear your favorite Valentines Day outfit)

  • 2/17: NO SCHOOL- President’s Day

  • 2/18: 7am - Passport Club

  • 2/19: 7am - Chess Club; 1:15 - 1:45 - Student Store @ Edy Courtyard

  • 2/21: 7:30 - 7:50am: Student Store @ Edy Cafeteria; Spirit Day!; 6pm: Family Bingo Night

  • 2/24 - 2/28: Staff Appreciation Week

  • 2/24: 5-10pm - Dine-Out for Ridges @ McMenamin’s.

  • 2/26: 7am - Chess Club


  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RidgesElementaryPAC/

  • President: Annie Mills Ridgeselementarypac@gmail.com

  • Fun Run: Ridgesfunrun@gmail.com

  • Volunteer Coordinators: Ridgesvolunteers@gmail.com

  • Art Lit: Ridgesartlit@gmail.com

Ridges Elementary