Our Mission:
The Ridges PAC is dedicated to helping our school provide outstanding, balanced education to our children. By facilitating communication, promoting volunteer participation and providing fundraising opportunities, we aim to enrich the learning environment of our school with cultural programs, family events and curriculum enhancements.
The mission of Ridges PAC shall be present at all PAC sponsored events.
Please consider joining us for our monthly meetings or sign up to volunteer at one of our events!
* To become an official member of PAC, you need to chair a committee or hold a board position. Our executive board can make exceptions based on recommendations from each chair or committee head, with the collective understanding that "consistent" participation is a key factor in the decision. The best way to begin is to join a meeting and sign up to volunteer at one of our events. Please reach out to RidgesElementaryPAC@gmail.com if you have any questions at all.
upcoming meetings
Welcome to Ridge's PAC: Meet & Greet & Treats with Ridge's PAC President: Join us the first Tuesday of every month 6:30pm for a 30-minute premeeting before our official monthly PAC meeting. This special opportunity is open to ALL parents to meet our new PAC President. You can find out about our exciting programs, upcoming events, and how you can get involved. We are eager to hear your fresh ideas as we embark on this school year together. We look forward to welcoming you, sharing some treats, and answering any questions you may have! Don't forget, everyone is welcome, including kids!
Following the Meet & Greet we have our official PAC meetings the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm. Everyone is welcome.
Both meetings are held in the Community Room. Come late, leave early. ALL are welcome.
Our 2024-25 monthly meetings will be on
September 3rd
October 1st
November 5th
December 3rd
January 7th
February 4th
March 4th
April 1st
May 6th
June 3rd
Please email RidgesElementaryPAC@gmail.com if you have any questions.
What is PAC up to all year?
Here is a monthly breakdown of some of the things we do throughout the year. If you’re interested in volunteering at a PAC event, complete the steps here to volunteer.
Help with Kinder Orientation
Help with Meet & Greet/Supply Night
Welcoming decor for the 1st day of school!
Launch new apparel
Update Main Entrance Bulletin Board
Fun Run
Help with Back to School Night
Popcorn Friday
Student Store
Launch Art Lit
Movie Night or Bingo
Staff dinner during conferences
Launch Passport Club
Launch Chess Club
Popcorn Friday
Student Store
Fun Run prize events
Winter Gift Drive
Decorate the school into a Winter Wonderland
Popcorn Friday
Passport Club
Chess Club
Student Store
Art Lit
Update Main Entrance Bulletin Board
Winter Gift Drive
Staff treat before the holiday
Popcorn Friday
Passport Club
Chess Club
Student Store
Fun Run prize events
Popcorn Friday
Passport Club
Chess Club
Student Store
Art Lit
Staff Appreciation Week: Plan daily events such as decorating doors, bringing favorite snacks, providing dinner, etc., all week long
Neon Dance
Popcorn Friday
Passport Club
Chess Club
Student Store
Update Main Entrance Bulletin Board
Movie Night
Popcorn Friday
Passport Club
Chess Club
Student Store
Popcorn Friday
Passport Club
Chess Club
Student Store
Popcorn Friday
Passport Club
Chess Club
Student Store
Last day of school luncheon for all staff
R i d g e s E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l
21472 SW Copper Terrace
Sherwood, OR 97140
(503) 825-5700